Falling in Love with Love Shack Fancy Thanks to Social Media

Sabrina Fein
4 min readMay 30, 2021
Courtesy: IG@LoveShackFancy

Picture women’s clothing that makes ladies feel like they are in their 20s wondering the streets of Paris. (Yes, us in our 30s and 40s really feel like we found the new youth age serum in the form of fashion.) The simple image of Love Shack Fancy (LSF) clothes takes our mind into a vacation daydream. Don’t just take my word for it. Articles are popping up raving about the brand as well. It’s vintage-inspired whimsicality, florals with a decidedly feminine appeal, and romance and fun. You want to wear it and be around it every day, because you appreciate what it says about you. With a price point above $250 per skirt and $425 per dress, you wonder how women got so enchanted in a company where they would forgo their daily Starbucks trip in order to shop at LSF. It most likely is because of their social media campaign.

Brand awareness is clearly one of their goals. Posts on Instagram are made daily (sometimes twice) and sponsored ads scroll through me feed as well. Since It takes 11–13 times for a consumer to see a product before making a purchase, the sponsored ads are important to not only carry your current customers down the sales funnel, but to introduce the brand to potential new customers as well. Trust me, with one click on the ad, potential customers will be drawn in on the shabby chic oasis. Plus the profile visits would be an interesting KPI to watch as not only does LSF have it’s own IG account, but so do all the 9 individual boutiques. With so many places to go profile visits for the mother-ship may not be as high, but locals could prefer a connection with their neighborhood boutique.

Web traffic increases through social media links, that’s nothing new. Although their IG posts never direct followers to click on their link in the home page, ads can direct the browsing lady to continue shopping. With the addition of shops in IG the conversion of a sale can be made without ever going to the actual webpage. You can also DM individual boutiques and ask if they have certain items in your size that are already sold out online. It is a quick purchase through DM that make you feel like you won the lottery. It is worth noting that the Facebook account looks similar to the IG account although posting much less, and no web links are added to the post there. So, web traffic analytics may be joined with cost per click, or simply monitoring the engagements (likes and comments) with posts. The following post teasing new products launching the next day had over 6,000 likes and 100 comments. That’s social media engagement that social media teams should be proud of.

Converting sales on such a pricey item is sometimes a weakness, especially during this COVID recession. (I spent $800 dollars in the store on 1 trip… that’s more than my car payment! What was I thinking??) However, it is easier to spend major dough when you know it is going for a good cause. During India’s rapid COVID outbreak, LSF sent equipment, oxygen and staff wages to their 1500 employees who were in need there. India is where the custom lacework and embroidery is made for LSF apparel.

Customer loyalty in post-sales is another bonus point for the LSF social marketing team. With 9 locations currently, expansion remains on the horizon. What better way to make your followers feel appreciated then to let them pick out the next store location? Looking at the interactions, the post received 5,000 likes and over 200 comments! By my count, it looks like Charleston or Washington DC may have a new whimsical woman’s boutique soon.



Sabrina Fein

An AMS meteorologist with over 15 years of experience in tornado alley, Florida, SoCal & MD. I currently am taking classes to get my Master's in Social Media.